These Hilarious Rashguards Are Somehow IBJJF Legal!
by Shawn Aukstakalnis
Updated: March 11, 2025

Nation Athletic's Hilarious Rashguards Passed the IBJJF Test
Nation Athletic recently dropped an epic new rashguard collection that's equal parts humor and compliance—yes, you read that right! Their IBJJF Ranked Rashguards come in all official belt colors (white, purple, brown, and black) with a cheeky twist. Boldly stating "Everything IBJJF Legal is Illegal," these rashguards poked fun at the sometimes puzzling world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu rules.

Here's the best part: despite the cheeky design, these rashguards are actually IBJJF legal! At the 2024 IBJJF World No-Gi Championship, the Nation Athletic squad put these rashguards to the test, and they passed the official uniform inspection without a hitch—though not without some funny looks from the officials and competitors alike!
Check out this clip of the rashguard in action at IBJJF No-Gi Worlds:
So What Exactly Makes a Technique "Illegal" in IBJJF?
Not everything fun is allowed in competition. Take knee reaping, for example—one of the most misunderstood positions in grappling. Knee reaping happens when you place your thigh behind your opponent’s leg, crossing your calf over their body above the knee, applying pressure from the outside to the inside, potentially putting your opponent's knee at risk.

Check out this compilation Nation Athletic shared of athletes being disqualified (DQ'd) for illegal moves in competition—always good for a laugh and a lesson:
If you're looking for gear that's both IBJJF-compliant and guaranteed to turn heads, you can snag your own hilarious (but fully legal) rashguard right here:
Grab your IBJJF Ranked Rashguard from Nation Athletic and keep the referees guessing!